After many years of proudly displaying store signs that remind customers that they drug test all employees, some huge companies are softening their stance of testing for marijuana use, as Amazon did a short time ago. It’s time for General Motors and other companies to do the same.
GM tests for drugs using hair samples which can detect cannabis usage going back a number of weeks.
Does it really make any sense that someone who smokes some pot at night is any less fit to be employed as someone who drinks alcohol the night before. Actually, the alcohol probably impairs worker significantly more. Mandatory drug testing that includes testing for cannabis is removing marijuana users from potential worker pools in droves and is contributing to many companies having a tough time attracting workers.
GM is currently having a hard time recruiting for some jobs. In addition to the drug testing, other potential issues regarding GM’s problem finding new workers is their low hourly wage of $16.67 per hour and the shift hours that are required.
Regarding the drug testing, marijuana is legal in Michigan for both medicinal use and recreational use. Medicinal became legal in 2008 and recreational became legal later. GM has five assembly factories in Michigan in addition to facilities for other aspects of the car building process.