Kannaway Pure CBD
Kannaway is a Multi-Level- Marketing (MLM) company that sells CBD products. As of this writing Kannaway is the only network marketing company offering CBD products. Kannaway is a subsidiary of Medical Marijuana Inc. Medical Marijuana Inc is a publicly traded company. The company trades over the counter on the pink sheets. It’s a penny stock.
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The company’s primary products include:
Kannaway Energy Chews
Defined Transformation (skin care line)
Kannaway’s Pure CBD
There are two (2) Requirements in order to earn commissions:
1) Pay Annual Fee of $54.98
2) Must maintain a Minimum Personal Business Volume (PBV) each month either through customer sales or personal orders.
These MLM compensation programs can be confusing so instead of trying to explain it here is a link to the company’s explanation on its’ website
The Kannaway Pure CBD Bottom Line
Generally only a small minority of participants in MLM marketing programs make much money. These network marketing programs are usually losing propositions for most people. And, the products offered in MLM programs are almost always overpriced in order to compensate the multiple levels of sales representatives. So, consumers looking for the best value CBD products should probably look elsewhere.
People looking for an income opportunity would be well advised to do research on the abysmal rate of success for most participants in MLM programs. These programs are often great for the company behind them (until they blow up, as many of them do) and bad for the participants.