Hemp Oil or Hemp Extract Oil on Amazon is NOT CBD Oil
If you are shopping for authentic CBD products do NOT shop on Amazon. You will be wasting your money on bogus imposter products.
Want proof? Read below…
First, Amazon does NOT allow the sale of CBD oil products.
Follow this link below and read for yourself. Amazon specifically prohibits the sale of CBD (also known as cannabidiol) on the website.
Amazon specifically states that they PROHIBIT the following:
So, if you see a product that looks like it may be CBD, read the product label and the Amazon ad very closely. Be sure to read carefully.
These Amazon pages can be wordy with lots of content and most people do not read every word on a page.
Often, there is a disclosure buried somewhere on the page that the product has no CBD and other times the disclosure in plain site in a long wordy ad title stating
“Hemp Oil for Pain & Anxiety Relief – 500mg Full Spectrum Organic Hemp Drops – Pure Hemp Extract – Natural Hemp Oils for Better Sleep, Mood & Stress – Zero THC CBD Cannabidiol – Mint Flavor”
See actual examples below:
(We added Red to the important part of the ad title)
The label clearly states there is NO CBD, NO CANNABIOL, and NO THC.
It’s right there in plain site but easy to overlook in this long, wordy ad title.
Here’s more:
There is no indication on any of the hemp oil or hemp extract oil product labels or ingredients labels that the product contains any CBD!
Most all of the products masquerading on Amazon as CBD products contain some kind of hemp extract and/or just hemp seed oil. Often these products indicate that the product contains ‘hemp extract’ or that the product is a ‘full spectrum’ product.
But, there are over 100 possible extracts that could be extracted from hemp and the extract the label is referring to could be any of the 100+ so there is no logical reason to assume the extract is CBD.
And the term ‘Full Spectrum’ is completely misleading. Full Spectrum is a meaningless term that could mean anything. There are no rules mandating how the term ‘Full Spectrum’ is to be used. The term ‘full spectrum’ is strictly being used by to mislead people and trick them into buying worthless crap. The idea is to trick consumers into thinking they are buying authentic CBD at a low price. But, the fact is that consumers who buy these products are buying grossly overpriced hemp oil or hemp seed oil, which should not sell for more than $5 or $6.
Amazon sellers are selling hemp seed oil and bogus CBD products for $30, $40, $50 per bottle and higher when these products are mostly (not all) just cheap seed oil products most suitable for frying of possibly on salads. But they certainly do not have any therapeutic value.
And worse yet, many of these Amazon ads state that these imposter products will help various medical conditions.
Some of these product pages on Amazon usually indicate alleged benefits such as the following. This taken from an actual Amazon product page ad.
1) Reduces chronic pain
2) Reduce inflammation
3) Improve sleep
4) Reduce anxiety
This is outright nonsense.
A cruel hoax perpetrated on consumers, many of whom are looking for relief from real problems.
The claims are bogus, unsubstantiated and a load of crap.
CBD shoppers on Amazon shoppers must read the Amazon advertisements carefully.
When they do they will easily see the scam.
It will be clear that these products are NOT authentic.
The ‘hemp oil’ and hemp extract oil’ products offered on Amazon are not the real thing.
These sellers are attempting to cash in on the popularity of CBD as they fleece unsuspecting consumers.
Most of these Hemp Oil or hemp Extract Oil products for sale on Amazon are just hemp SEED oil.
Hemp seeds at best contain minimal, insignificant amounts of CBD.
It is bad enough that unscrupulous Amazon Sellers are promoting this overpriced garbage on Amazon.
Worse yet is that Amazon allows it!